Looks Like University Of Illinois - Tanner Hollinger

I've changed the process of capturing the video clips. I've altered all of the Tom Cruise graphics to fit the new website layout. Just today I perfected the whole "upload a video file as an mp4 but format it to loop like a gif to save myself an entire step of formatting and compressing the gifs" thing. My wife is headed out of town for 48 hours to a retreat thingy. Let's do some LLUOI-ing.
There will be no particular order here. And these won't be as long as they used to be. But I promised a few months ago to plow through all of the 2024 recruits (some that I even got to see in the spring game) and that's what I'm going to do. All of these will be tagged as Looks Like University Of Illinois so you should be able to click on that orange tag at the very top and it will take you to the full list of LLUOI posts (beginning with the posts since the website update, so there's not going to be many articles under that tag just yet).
OK, let's do this.